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Mensagem por Admin Sáb Mar 29, 2008 10:54 am

SIGHT is an acronym meaning Services for Information, Guidance, and Hospitality to Travelers.

SIGHT is a network of Mensans who want to meet other Mensans. Some travel themselves, others welcome travelling Mensans into their homes or give advice on the best places to stay or visit.

SIGHT aims to look after hosts and guests, providing each party with the information to enable each to be considerate and helpful to the other.

SIGHT is not an immigration agency, a job placement agency or a source of long-term (or permanent) accommodation.

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 07/03/2008

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Mensagem por Admin Sáb Mar 29, 2008 10:55 am

Some guidelines for both guests and hosts are given below. The most important thing to remember is to use your common sense!

Guidelines for guests

* If you are planning to correspond by letter with a host in another country before you travel, please include an international reply coupon with all correspondence.

* Register as a prospective SIGHT Traveller (preferably by Email) well ahead of your trip, in writing, to the SIGHT Coordinator in the country you plan to visit, including the following information:
o Name
o Address
o Proof of current Mensa membership
o Age group (18-30, 31-50, 50+)
o Special requirements (allergies, dietary requirements, etc.)
o Occupation
o Interests
o Other persons travelling with you
o Whether or not you smoke
o Mode of transport (how you are getting here!)
o Detailed itinerary, including dates
o Any other information you would like if someone were coming to stay with you.

* It will be helpful for all involved if you would please provide this information using the standard SIGHT Traveler Form that can be downloaded using the following dropdown menu (.doc files). You can either complete the form and then paste it into your email message, or alternatively, send it as an attached MSWord or pdf file (if you have a PDF creator).

* The Coordinator will supply you with a list of one or more hosts. It is up to you to make your own arrangements with them.

* Inform your host of any change in your travel arrangements as soon as practical. Do not cancel at the last minute unless it is an emergency.

* Treat your host's home and family with respect and courtesy. Remember, they are putting themselves out to help you.

* Some hosts may require payment. You must agree on this beforehand. If your host lets you use his/her home free then a gift, or a meal in a nice restaurant, would be in order.

* Most hosts welcome a guest for a few days only. Do not outstay your welcome.

* We would much appreciate your becoming a SIGHT host or contact yourself, if possible. Contact your national SIGHT Coordinator for more details.

* The Coordinator who made the arrangements for you would very much appreciate feedback on your experiences. Please make time after your trip to let them know how it went.

* As your host is very likely to be busy or working during the day, make your own arrangements for visiting tourist attractions etc unless your host has specifically offered to accompany you.

* Enjoy your trip!

Guidelines for hosts

* Not all SIGHT hosts are able to offer accommodation; many serve as day hosts or merely provide information and guidance to Mensa travellers. In any event, your assistance to your fellow Mensa members will be very much appreciated.

* Whatever assistance you are able to offer, please do register as a prospective SIGHT host with your national SIGHT Coordinator (contact information appears within the SIGHT Contacts list on the MIL website).

* In order to provide the SIGHT Coordinator with information to enable her/him to most effectively match travellers and hosts, please provide comprehensive information on what you are able to offer. Please complete the standard SIGHT Host Registration Form available on the dropdown menu below (.doc files), then send it to your national SIGHT Coordinator. If your circumstances change, then please let the SIGHT Coordinator know as soon as possible.

* You are never obliged to take a guest, no matter what the circumstances, and no matter whether he or she is a Mensan or not. You are especially not obliged to take in anyone who is not what you expect (different gender, different number of guests, different habits).

* It's your house, so you make the rules. Keep a list of reasonably-priced alternative accommodation handy to give to guests who cannot or will not abide by your rules. Be firm but pleasant. There is no expectation that you will be expected to let guests impose on you!

* SIGHT visits are usually rewarding and pleasant if you use good common sense and make your requirements clear to your guests. A policy of "no surprises" works best. For example, you should tell them up front if you do not allow smoking in your house or tend to be a late riser. Stating your house rules before the visit is best because the guest can then decide to accept them or seek alternative arrangements, with no inconvenience or unpleasantness to either party.

* It goes without saying that you are not expected to put up with behaviour which is illegal or which you find otherwise unacceptable. In the unlikely event that the need should ever arise, do not be afraid to call the police. Just because your guest is a member of Mensa does not mean that they should expect you to turn a blind eye to illegal or unacceptable behaviour.

* Be honest about what arrangements are available. There is no obligation to alter your normal routine or accommodate requests unless you are willing. All SIGHT arrangements are totally voluntary and agreed upon by both parties. If you do not wish to host a certain guest, the SIGHT Coordinator may be able to find a better fit with another host, or will tell the guest a good match cannot be found.

* The length of the guest's stay should be agreed upon before arrival.

* Explain the limitations of your hot water supply and telephone system or any other quirks or unusual considerations. Many people are used to unlimited hot water and free local calls. On the other hand, don't assume they will know how your phone, water heater or other appliances work. They may be used to something very different at home. Supervise them, at least at first.

* You are within your rights to expect your guests to help pay for expenses and, of course, to pay for direct costs (i.e. telephone calls), but SIGHT is not a money making proposition. Any payment must be agreed upon in advance. It is also a good idea to discuss meal arrangements: Will they eat some meals in your home, and if so, will you expect payment? It is also advised that you discuss transportation. Foreign Mensans may assume convenient public transportation is available from your house.

* Give guests information but let them make their own arrangements during the day unless you want to show them around yourself. This leaves them free to change their minds without having inconvenienced you.

* Give the Coordinator enough information about yourself, the accommodation you offer, etc. to make it easy to match you with a suitable guest. The SIGHT Host form is a good basic information vehicle. If your circumstances change, then please let the SIGHT Coordinator know as soon as possible.

* It would also be helpful if you could tell the Coordinator when you will be away or unavailable for hosting for an extended period. This will avoid fruitless attempts to reach you. All information will be held in complete confidence.

* Inform the Coordinator if you have had any problems with a guest so that they can inform the Coordinator in your visitor's own country.

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 07/03/2008

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SIGHT - INTERNATIONAL Empty Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Mensagem por Admin Sáb Mar 29, 2008 10:56 am

* I am a member of a National Mensa, can I use the SIGHT service in my own country, or is it just for travellers from abroad ?

The SIGHT programme is open to all members of Mensa, including you! If you are travelling on holiday or just working away from home for a few days, we can try and put you in touch with members who can offer you overnight accommodation or advice on where to stay or visit whilst you are there.

* I am a National Mensa member who wants to find out information about using the SIGHT programme abroad. Whom do I contact?

Please contact the International SIGHT Coordinator, Richard Kingston, at or check out the SIGHT Coordinators Worldwide page.

* What else, other than help with accommodation, can SIGHT offer me?

We can put you in touch with local groups so that you can attend Mensa events whilst you are visiting and meet other members plus we can offer you up to date information on places to visit and local events that coincide with your travelling dates.

* I am 17, can I use the SIGHT accommodation service?

Sorry, no. Only 18+ may use the accommodation service; anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

* Can you help me find permanent accommodation?

No, sorry, this is only a service for tourists or members travelling short-term with their work.

* I am travelling to study. Can you help me find student accommodation?

No, sorry, SIGHT does not provide long-term accommodation, even of a temporary nature.

* Can you help me find a job?

No, SIGHT cannot help you find a job, sorry.

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 07/03/2008

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SIGHT - INTERNATIONAL Empty SIGHT - (arquivo de 3/06/01) Arquivos do Yahoo Grupos

Mensagem por Admin Sáb Mar 29, 2008 11:06 am

SIGHT (Service for Information, Guidance and Hospitality to Travellers) , isto é, Serviço de Informação Orientação e Hospitalidade para Viajantes – é um serviço especial da Mensa que ajuda mensans a encontrarem outros mensans quando visitam países estrangeiros colocando-os em contado entre si.

A participação do SIGHT pode ser feita de duas maneiras: contactando mensans nas Localidades para onde você viaja ou dando as boas-vindas aos mensans que visitam a cidade em que você mora.

Dar as boas-vindas significa oferecer informações sobre locais a serem visitados, facilitar a obtenção de informações sobre meios de locomoção, o que fazer ou deixar de fazer numa cidade, lugares que devem ser visitados e os que devem ser evitados, oferecer hospedagem em sua casa OU oferecer um jantar OU um bate-papo e um cafezinho ao visitante.

Mensans em viagem por outros países até apreciam uma hospedagem em casa de outros mensans, mas ninguém é obrigado a oferecer alojamento se isso não lhe for conveniente ou se a época não for propícia. Importante é deixar claro ao visitante com qual tipo de ajuda ele poderá contar.

Grande número de países mantém um coordenador de SIGHT responsável por facilitar a comunicação entre mensans viajantes e mensans anfitriões. Esse coordenador é a pessoa que voluntariamente mantém um cadastro dos mensans de seu país que queiram de alguma forma dar as boas-vindas aos

Quem está viajando para outro país e deseja encontrar membros da Mensa deve, em primeiro lugar, fazer contato com o coordenador de SIGHT do país que visitará para obter os endereços dos possíveis anfitriões. O coordenador precisa de diversas informações de ambos, viajantes e anfitriões, para colocá-los em contato. As mais importantes são a confirmação de o viajante ser membro da Mensa “in good standing” e os endereços residencial e de email. O coordenador verifica quais os anfitriões disponíveis na área geográfica e na ocasião da viagem. Nos países onde o número de associados é muito grande, viajantes e anfitriões preencherem uma longa ficha para auxiliar o trabalho do coordenador. Essas fichas contém perguntas que visam diminuir problemas que já ocorreram em ocasiões passadas. Os exemplos mais comuns são do não-fumante que oferece hospedagem a um fumante sem saber desse detalhe; do alérgico por animais domésticos que se esqueceu de dizer isso ao anfitrião criador de gatos; do hóspede que não quer ir embora depois de uma semana, quando ao anfitrião parecia extremamente lógico que ele partiria em três dias. Todos esses detalhes, inclusive disponibilidade de tempo do anfitrião para ciceronear o visitante, devem ser combinados entre viajante e anfitrião com antecedência para evitar surpresas desagradáveis.

A partir do momento que o coordenador fornece os endereços aos interessados, quaisquer detalhes, mesmo os já fornecidos ao coordenador, devem ser combinados entre viajante e anfitrião. O programa não prevê interferência da Mensa, eximindo-se essa de qualquer responsabilidade tanto em relação ao viajante como ao anfitrião.

Ao enviar uma correspondência a um possível anfitrião, o viajante deve ter a gentileza de cobrir os custos e facilitar o retorno da correspondência. Quando o endereço é de e-mail, não há custos. No entanto, se a comunicação for feita por correio normal, o costume é de o viajante interessado mandar junto com a carta um envelope auto-endereçado e um “coupon résponse” internacional adquirido nos correios.

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 07/03/2008

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Mensagem por Admin Sáb Mar 29, 2008 11:14 am

O formulário esta arquivado no Yahoo Grupos.

Página do Yahoo Grupos:
(Para se inscrever é preciso estar em dia com a tesouraria)

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 07/03/2008

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